
It's in the genes

Not a lot of people know that my mother is a fine arts graduate. She's so busy managing her own business that she could no longer find the drive to paint. It's too bad I can't find her other paintings. I'm sure she has a lot more from college, but this is the only painting of hers I could find. I wish my mom would find that desire to paint again! I always thought she was brilliant. In fact, I always looked up to her for inspiration.

Me and my mom have different styles that I think reflect our contrasting personalities. She is a realist, which makes sense because she's so logical and level-headed. Her lines are so accurate and clean, which I can never imitate. I, on the other hand, am an impressionist. I'm complex, out-of-this-world, and free-spirited, and those characteristics are perfectly demonstrated in my works. Although we're completely different, I still got the painting skills from her. Where else would I have gotten it from?

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